As you may or may not know valorant will be getting a new agent named Killjoy. Killjoy is a support/defense character as she does not have many offensive abilities her main focus is to defend sights or help her teammates by placing down turrets and landmines that are invisible. First we will go over her abilities then we will go more in depth on how she was created and rendered in unreal engine.

Killjoys first ability is an alarm bot similar to that of razes boom bot which explodes on contact dealing massive damage. But Killjoys 1 up’s raze in this field because her alarm bot is invisible, it deals lots of damage, and it causes enemies who are caught by it to take double damage for the duration of the vulnerable effect. This alarm bot is excellent for setting up sights for your team and it makes it very difficult for enemies to plant the spike when they cannot even enter the site. Also one thing that makes killjoy unique is that ALL of Killjoys abilities can be recalled by her (except for her ultimate obviously). Meaning that if she ever needed to reposition her alarm bot or any ability she can pick it up and move it.

Killjoys second ability is a turret that she can place anywhere on the map and it is mostly again useful for defense more than offense as it doesn’t deal very much damage and it only shoots in 3-shot bursts. Just as with the alarm bot the turret can be recalled as long as it has not been destroyed. this turret is excellent for scouting ahead of Killjoy as if it is shot down then you know where at least 1 enemy is and if it is not destroyed then it will either kill an enemy or there are not any enemies there.

Killjoys next and most devastating ability is her nanoswarm this is similar to razes grenade but again it is a trap so it is invisible. Once it has been thrown and it hits the ground it will become invisible. If someone walks into its detonation range you can activate it and it will explode dealing massive amounts of damage and basically instantly killing anyone in its range.

This is Killjoys final ability and to say the least it is OP. First of all the range as depicted by this picture of haven

Is INSANE it covers more than the entire site which means that this site will be almost impossible to attack for at least 8 seconds as any enemy who walks into this will get numerous debuffs including slowness and likely a stun that will disorient players making it very easy to pick them off.
Well this took a lot longer than i thought it would so we will go over how all of this was made, rendered, and developed in unreal engine in tomorrows blog post.
Thank you all for reading and if you want check out my YT channel @Drago Gaming
link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrlNUqQVBxLIbdltHQBdcYg?view_as=subscriber