I’m sure a lot of the people reading this are likely doing a lot of things this summer like jobs or summer school. If that is the case then I figured that this would be a good time to share how I am managing my time during the summer to be efficient while still having some fun along the way.

I start my days very early and I would recommend sleeping until at least 8 Am however due to summer school I am waking up at 5:30 Am. Once I wake up I get ready and then make myself an egg white protein wrap (recipe on my youtube channel link at the bottom of this post) and walk to my bus stop at around 6:30. Then I take the bus to school and get there around 7:15. I am then in class for about 6 hours. After which I come home.

I am currently only taking one class over the summer and when I get home I complete all my homework and eat my lunch. After lunch, I generally take a one-hour break and just watch some TV or play games on my phone. Next, I go swimming in my pool and running for about 1 hour.

Once I’ve done that I go take a shower and start working on other things like this blog post and other extracurricular work like studying for the AP I’m taking next year which is AP European History.

I then eat dinner and then generally relax a bit more before I go to bed at around 9:30. There are a couple of main ways that I am able to hold myself accountable and am able to accomplish these tasks daily. The first is making a plan/schedule which helps you stay on task and track your goals.

The next thing I do is set 5 weekly goals that I have to accomplish and if I don’t then I don’t play until I finish them. Which brings me to my next point which is that I dont play videogames on the weekdays because I have more important work to be completing during that time. However I splurge a little on the weekends and play for about 2.5 hours Friday-Sunday. This may seem difficult but is definetely a good idea.
However when I do feel like I really want to play I game I simply play a mobile game and set a 15 minute timer and then I get back to work or I have an AFK game running that I check in on once in a while. This way it doesn’t feel like a punishment because it’s not.

Finally I like to listen to music and take 10 minute breaks to make myself efficient een for hours at a time which can definetely be hard at times.
Thats it for today’s post tomorrow I’ll be going over how I plan to study for AP euro before I begin that class and overall how I plan to study for the AP test.