How to advertise and increase Swimply & Peerspace bookings!

Hello everyone and welcome back to another blog post! I finished finals a little over a week ago and have been on winter break. Sorry that I haven’t posted I have been busy spending time with family for Christmas and New Years. I hope everyone had a great break. This year I have set a couple of goals, the first of which is to make more blog posts I’m aiming for about 100 posts this year which is about 2 a week and my other goal is to increase our Peerspace and Swimply revenue this year.

Without further ado lets get started! Now normally in the beginning of a new month I would be posting about our total revenue for the prior month. However December quite unsurprisingly was quite slow and we only had 1 event. So instead of focusing on one booking we decided to use this month to advertise our listing and acquire booking for this year.

So we invited all of the people who were potentially going to book events at our house. To come and check out the space and get their questions answered. By doing this we were able to build relationships and trust with many potential guests which helps our business grow and even gets our space prebooked. The reason this is important is because when others come to book it shows them what days have already been booked which of course shows that many people our interested in our space.

Aside from prebooking however it is imperative that you get good reviews on your space because this puts you on the Swimply and Peerspace leaderboards of sorts. An example of this is on Peerspace where our property is ranked #1 for party rentals in Palos Verdes. We have only been doing Peerspace and Swimply for a couple of months and we are already at the top of party rentals because of our reviews and great customer service.

This aforementioned customer service is an extremely important part of any business but especially the service industry. Space rentals are a service that we offer via Swimply and Peerspace and as such we need to have excellent customer service so we actually get bookings.

Finally in terms of advertising I would recommend asking previous guests to share your space information with friends and family who may be interested in booking events. Also placing advertisements in things like this blog for example are a great way to get the word out about your space.

Thank you everyone for tuning into this blog post. Once again I hope you all had a wonderful break and i’ll see you in my next post!

Link to our peerspace listing if people are interested: