I’m sure this something that a lot of you don’t want to think about yet. However school is going to start for most people in a few weeks and there are a few things that I recommend you do. I would start doing these things at least a week before school starts for best results.
The most important thing for me personally is being able to get up early. In California because of a new law that was passed school now starts almost 45 minutes later. This doesn’t really affect me as I have 0 period so I have to get up earlier anyway. Knowing that I have a 0 period I have been waking up at 6:55 am daily to get into the habit of doing so. This way when school starts it wont be nearly as difficult.

The next thing that I recommend is to start having a more structure routine for your day that’s similar to one you would have in school. Because when you go back to school you can’t just do whatever you want whenever there is structure and order for a reason. Personally I made a schedule that I follow with reminders in my phone so that I don’t forget.

My next tip might not apply to some of you but if you have summer homework you should definitely finish it as you have lots of time. If you already have or don’t have any summer work I recommend reading some books that you find interesting and at least slightly challenging. That way you give yourself something to do that should be at least a little bit educational.

On the topic of education summer workbooks or summer school are 2 great things that will make sure you don’t forget everything you learned. They can even help you get ahead to make next year easier. I used workbooks through middle school during the summer and I also did some academic summer programs. In high school however I am not using workbooks I am just taking extra courses via summer school.

Going to bed on time again might be another habit that you will have to get used to. It’s been pretty hard for me because I was going to bed super late and waking up early. Getting more sleep will improve your mood and how you feel so it is definitely a good idea to try to get to bed on time. I would recommend that you don’t use your phone about 30 minutes before you go to bed and to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day.

I’ve also limited the amount of video games that I play as during the school year I only play on the weekends. If I keep playing a lot during the summer I wont want to stop during the school year which can have serious repercussions. However you should definitely still play them as it is a good way to relax.

I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post and I’ll see you next time!